Creative Director | Senior Creative | Copywriter


The Creative Hobos

Back in 2015, my previous partner and I decided to quit our jobs in Denmark, pack our lives into 2 suitcases and hit the roads of Europe.

Our goal:

To work with as many great people, agencies and brands on our way as possible. Our concept: The Creative Hobos – a traveling creative team offering our brains and hands to agencies along the way in exchange for food and a place to stay.


We created a look and a website, wrote about 1 million emails to ECDs around Europe, jumped on a train and haven’t looked back since.


We travelled to:

Berlin, Lisbon, Madrid, Rome, Milan, Paris, Brussels (and later London, Amsterdam, Johannesburg, Cape Town and Dubai through the Ogilvy network).


We worked with:

Jung Von Matt, Scholz & Friends, BBDO, FCB, Grey, Torke CC, ComeOn, We Factory, Facebook, Ogilvy and Social.Lab.

With brands like: DHL, Microsoft, Acción contra el hambre, Nespresso, American Express, Dove, Philips, Ford, UNHCR, IKEA, KFC, Nescafé, Coca-Cola and Volkswagen.


We learned:

  • To easily adapt to new teams and markets.

  • To build trust with new clients.

  • To grow the balls to present your half-a-day ideas to some of the world’s best ECDs.

  • To have fun (and beer).

  • To find truly universal insights. Because we’re all more alike than we think.

  • To face a world filled with problems. And to believe that creativity has the power to change them.


Have a look at the blog:
and Instagram: